Hey everyone! So this is the first of many weekly (or bi-weekly, if it's been a slow week) news updates about The Empire Project!

Table of contents
  • Empire 1.5 Dev Preview
  • Introducing EBDN
  • Mac and iOS Development Status
  • On the subject of Linux

1. Empire 1.5 Dev Preview

Empire 1.5 Dev Preview is now available to anyone with a FREE subscription to EBDN (formerly Empire DevCenter). Log in with your Empire ID in the "EBDN" tab on the top of this page and follow the links to download the Developer Preview!

2. Introducing EBDN

Most of you that already came on this site already know about DevCenter, that ugly white forum thing that looked like it came from the dumpster behing a bar? Well it's gone. Introducing EBDN, or the Empire Browser Developer Network. With much more extensive features than DevCenter (such as Exclusive Downloads, a Help Center and Expert Advice), you will not believe the fact that all you have to do to access them is to apply to join using a really short form!

Note: At time of post, EBDN is still offline. But by the time most people read this, it will already be online!

3. Empire for Mac and iOS

Due to the Mac not being compatible with Windows Form Applications, Visual Basic, the .NET framework and Visual C, Mac and iOS development have been terminated.

4. About Linux

Unlike for Mac and iOS, development on Empire for Linux (including Android) will continue as planned. For the while being, if you are on Linux (or even Solaris) and wish to use Empire Browser, you can download the WINE (Wine Is Not an Emulator) emulator here and then proceed to download the .exe files available on this site and Sourceforge.